As a VSA member, you get to attend all events, become a part of our community, and get access to exclusive discounts!
Our only requirement to become a member is that you are a (PhD) student at any college in the Netherlands (MBO, HBO or university). Alternatively, if you are not a student, you can become a light member if you are below 31 years of age. Light members get all the same benefits as members, but are not allowed to vote during the general assembly.
To become a member of VSA Wageningen, you have to pay the membership fee. We ask this fee of our members, to be able to offer free events and discounts on events and to cover the administrative costs. If you are an active member, you get more than your moneys worth by attending the activities! The membership fee is €25,- for a full year (September-September) and €15 for half a year (September-February or February-September).
Are you nervous about joining your first activity? You don’t have to go alone! Check out our buddy system.